Dave and Kathy Peters

We feel a difference!

“You can feel that there’s been a quantum leap in the energy efficiency of this house.” —Dave Peters

Annual Savings Estimate:


A warmer, healthier, and safer home is within reach

Dave and Kathy Peters wondered why their floors were so cold in the winter and their air conditioner ran so often in the summer. When a whole-home energy assessment was conducted, they knew just what was needed. After air sealing and insulating the home properly and replacing their wasteful furnace and air conditioner, Dave and Kathy could feel their home was much warmer than before. On top of that, their utility bills have declined by 20%. “We are so glad the financing was there, too. It was crucial. We make enough to be comfortable, but our house is a LOT more comfortable now.”

Utility bills down. Comfort levels UP.

Dave and Kathy were concerned that some parts of their home were uncomfortably cool in winter. Now, every room is a cozy room. Do you have cold floors or drafty windows? Michigan Saves can help. We have a network of high-quality contractors across the state and the financial tools and expertise to guide you each step of the way. Your path to a more comfortable home begins today. Learn more about our home energy financing.

Kathy and Dave are living more comfortably and saving 20% on their utility bills.