Collaborative Implementation of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is designing the Greenhouse Reduction Fund (GGRF) to mobilize financing for clean energy projects across the country. Michigan stands to receive substantial funding from the GGRF, but the program’s ultimate success, especially in low-income and disadvantaged communities, will depend on effective, collaborative program design.

Michigan Saves is dedicated to supporting accessible, equitable, and just investments in carbon reduction strategies throughout Michigan.

Recent News

Clean Energy for All: Q&A with Chanell Scott Contreras, Michigan Saves President and CEO, on Green Financing in Underserved Communities

Contreras talks about the role community lenders play in ensuring federal clean energy investments reach underserved communities.

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Michigan Saves a subgrantee on groundbreaking application to EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

Michigan Saves today announced it is a subgrantee in the Justice Climate Fund’s application to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, a national-scale grant program to combat climate change and support disadvantaged communities.

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Michigan’s green bank a subgrantee on EPA Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund application

Michigan Saves, the nation’s first nonprofit green bank, today announced it was officially named a subgrantee in the Coalition for Green Capital’s application to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

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Michigan Saves can help you bring clean energy financing to underserved communities

New federal funding competitions like the $6 billion Clean Communities Investment Accelerator through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund have the potential power to transform communities.

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How the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator will boost your green lending game

The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund is a once-in-a-generation investment will accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants while addressing equity and mobilizing private capital.

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