Septic Replacement Loan Program: Authorized Septic Installation Contractor Information

Michigan Saves and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy have created the Septic Replacement Loan Program (SRLP) to help Michigan homeowners replace their failing or near-failing septic systems or connect to municipal sewer. This program offers homeowners the option of two loan tiers through a Michigan Saves lending partner. Any systems funded through the SRLP must be installed by a Michigan Saves authorized septic installation contractor. Becoming an authorized contractor is free and simple. Help homeowners in your area and expand your business by signing up today.

This page provides information on how to become a Michigan Saves authorized septic installation contractor and downloadable contractor resources. For program details and information for homeowners, see the Septic Replacement Loan Program page.

How to Become a Michigan Saves Authorized Septic Installation Contractor

1. Review the Michigan Saves authorized septic installation contractor requirements.

All contractors must meet the minimum qualifications described below and provide the appropriate documentation to be considered by Michigan Saves for the Septic Replacement Loan Program.

Business Organization and Insurance
State of Michigan business license Corporations and LLCs must be registered and in good standing with the State of Michigan Corporations Division (sole proprietors and limited liability partnerships do not have to register their business with the State of Michigan)
General liability insurance coverage Minimum of $1 million per occurrence and $1 million aggregate
Workers’ compensation or self-insurance coverage Minimum of $100,000 each accident and $500,000 policy limit
License or Registration
License or registration As applicable, septic system installers must be licensed, certified, or registered by the local health department or local public service/works department or sewer authority with jurisdiction over the counties in which they operate
Disciplinary Actions
Disciplinary action status Must not have received disciplinary action from or been removed or deregistered by a local health department or local public service/works department or sewer authority.
Training and Education
Michigan Saves contractor training Attend standard Michigan Saves contractor training and a training session specific to the Septic Replacement Loan Program
Signature Agreement
Michigan Saves contractor agreement Read and agree to the terms and conditions of the Michigan Saves septic contractor agreement and the Michigan Saves Septic Replacement Loan Program implementation guide
Application Fee
Contractor application fee Michigan Saves will waive the $50 contractor application fee through December 31, 2024

2. Complete your contractor application through NGEN.

To begin your application, go to NGEN (you can also access NGEN through the login link in the upper right-hand corner of the Michigan Saves home page) and click “New Contractor? Sign up here.” Complete all the required fields in the application form. See these instructions for a walkthrough of the application.


3. Attend required contractor training.

After you’ve completed your application in NGEN, you must complete a virtual program training to become a Michigan Saves authorized septic installation contractor. One-on-one training options are also available by request. Please reach out to for training.

Stay Informed

Join the Michigan Saves authorized septic installation contractor email list to get more information about the Septic Loan Replacement Program, including program launch details, contractor resources, and program updates.

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Have questions?

Please reach out to us at or at 517-484-6474