Myron and Camilla Richardson

We Found the Right Solution!

“Last winter’s heating bills were considerably lower, and the comfort level in the home was improved from top to bottom.” —Myron Richardson

Customer Type:



Air sealing, Furnace, Insulation

Annual Savings Estimate:


Tailored solutions that make sense

Myron and Camilla Richardson were impressed with the quality workmanship displayed by their contractor. After conducting a thorough home energy assessment, their contractor knew their home needed a modern, high-efficiency furnace paired with insulation and air sealing, so the solutions they proposed were tailored to the Richardsons’ needs. The home is now much less drafty and much more comfortable.

Utility bills down. Comfort levels UP.

Myron and Camilla have high standards. They want a knowledgeable contractor to treat them right and do the job well. So do you.

Myron and Camilla will save more than 35% on heating and cooling costs this year.

Michigan Saves has quality contractors across the state that meet our high standards—and yours. We also have the financial tools and expertise to guide you each step of the way. Your path to a more comfortable home begins today. Learn more about our home energy financing.