Year: 2022

Why You Need To Get Your Home Ready For Winter

Winters in most of the northern U.S. are no joke, and if you live in Michigan, your winters are second to few in severity. If that wasn’t enough incentive to do some annual winter home prep for energy efficiency and damage prevention, there’s the fact that both inflation and energy prices are near a 40-year high.

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Cozy Up to Energy Efficiency This Fall

It’s finally here: the season of crunching leaves, football, and mania for all things pumpkin and spice. For many Americans, fall is the best time of the year—but it’s also a golden opportunity to prepare your home for the cold winter months.

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Water-efficient Bathrooms: Showerheads and Faucets

A tried-and-true method of water conservation is to take shorter showers. But if you want to linger under the hot water in the dead of winter or after a long day, there are other ways to make sure you’re wasting as little water as possible. One of the best ways to conserve water at any time of year is to install eco-upgraded showerheads and faucets in your bathrooms. 

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Water-efficient Bathrooms: Toilets

When you think about conserving water and saving on water bills, you probably think in terms of using less water in sinks, showers, tubs, dishwashers, and washing machines. Yet toilets account for almost 30 percent of the average home’s water usage.

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