Bridge Financing

Ready to accelerate your clean energy transition without breaking the bank? The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 offers significant new tax credits for governmental organizations and nonprofits for clean energy projects like solar, batteries and geothermal heat pumps, covering up to 30-70% of the project cost. But the timing can be a challenge. Nonprofits, tribal, and other government organizations often face the dilemma of funding up-front costs for projects while waiting for tax credit refunds. Michigan Saves is piloting a financing program that provides affordable short-term bridge funding for qualifying clean energy improvements under the IRA. This financing prefunds the estimated investment tax credit for eligible upgrades, with the funding paid back in full when the credit is received from the Internal Revenue Service.

This means you can start and complete your clean energy project without the financial burden of up-front costs.

What projects are eligible?

  • Battery storage
  • Geothermal heat pumps
  • Solar PV

How Does it Work?

1 Work with a Michigan Saves authorized contractor for commercial loans to identify a qualified project and apply for the financing.

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2To initiate the financing application, submit the following to Michigan Saves via our lending partner, TEAM financial, at [email protected]
  • Proof of 501(c)(3) status
  • Project scope of work, cost estimate, and schedule
  • Description of tax credits being sought (contact Michigan Saves or Team Financial Group for more information)
  • Copy of application to utility to interconnect solar facility

Upon review of these materials, Michigan Saves or Team Financial Group may follow up for additional underwriting documentation, including, but not limited to:

  • Two years of financials (audited, compiled, or reviewed)
  • Approval from governing body
  • Applicable permits
  • Evidence of borrower’s contribution
  • Articles of incorporation and/or bylaws

3Upon loan approval and closing, the contractor proceeds with installation of energy improvements, with Michigan Saves disbursing the loan amount in two installments (final installment after the project is in service).
4The borrower will file for applicable tax credits in the first year after the project is operational and pay back the Michigan Saves loan when the tax credit is received or 24 months, whichever is sooner.

Bridge Financing Facts

Eligible properties and entities: Facilities owned or operated by nonprofit organizations and governmental entities (e.g., local, state, and tribal governments and public school districts) eligible for direct pay tax credits under the IRA.

Eligible measures: Solar (less than 1 megawatt in nameplate capacity), geothermal heat pumps and battery storage that are eligible for the ITC. No minimum utility bill savings required unless needed for specific low-income tax credit bonuses.

Financing amount and term: $20,000–$250,000

Term: Upon receipt of direct pay credits with maximum term of 24 months

Interest rate: 3.99% APR

Fees and expenses: 1% origination fee and $250 documentation fee

Collateral: Proceeds from direct pay tax credits for financed project as set forth in financing agreement and a UCC filing on the equipment

Please note: Michigan Saves will not make a determination of your organization’s eligibility to earn the ITC or direct pay and recommends seeking input from a qualified tax expert to navigate the available tax credits.

Are you interested in bridge financing?