Category: SmartEnergy

A Governor's Energy Excellence Award recipient holding his trophy

Governor’s Energy Excellence Awards Recognize Local Individuals and Organizations

As your skis slide along the fresh powder, faster and faster as you gain speed down the mountain—turning left then right—energy efficiency may not come to mind. But if you’re enjoying Thompsonville’s Crystal Mountain, it’s certainly has been on the minds of the leadership and staff for the resort and spa attraction. From using wind energy credits to cover the power used by its chairlift to its LEED-certified spa and public electric vehicle charging stations, Crystal Mountain president and CEO Jim MacInnes is taking energy-efficiency matters into his own hands.

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French Quarters Apartments

The French Quarter Apartments Get an Energy Efficiency Facelift

Leslie Etterbeek, property manager for LR Management in Southfield, Michigan, wanted to find a cost-effective way to improve the common areas for one of the multiple properties she oversees. Etterbeek was mainly concerned with the light fixtures — she wanted to save money on the lights and have them look uniform as well.

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Michigan Saves' 50 Million Celebration

Michigan Saves Celebrates $50 Million in Energy Investments

From the western tip of the Upper Peninsula to the eastern coast of Lake Erie, Michigan families and businesses are making smart investments in energy efficiency. So many investments, in fact, that in June, Michigan Saves celebrated a significant milestone: $50 million in energy investments. Put differently, Michigan Saves has made it possible for $50 million to flow into the hands of people wanting to make a difference in their energy consumption.

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Group of people enjoying chicken wings

The Results Are in for Beer, Wings, and Cash

In July 2014, the nonprofit rolled out its Beer, Wings and Cash competition, which ran through December 31, 2015. Any contractor that completed 24 loans or more was eligible for a beer and wings party. The top three contractors with the highest loan values got the payout. As a result of the promotion’s success, the Michigan Saves team plans to host another competition in 2015.

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