Category: SmartEnergy

Greg Bertold

Meet the board: Greg Bergtold Talks About How Michigan Saves Benefits His Company’s Customers

Although facts and figures tell the story of Michigan Saves’ extensive efforts to improve energy efficiency in Michigan, we couldn’t do what we do without the talented and dedicated people who help lead the organization. To that end, we’d like to introduce you—our readers—to the Michigan Saves board members. This edition of Smart Energy features Greg Bergtold, business advocacy director for Dow Building and Construction, a business group within the Dow Chemical Company.

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Contractor smiling at the camera

Michigan Saves Partners with Contractors in Creative Ways

If Staples—the world’s largest office products company—hadn’t trademarked the “easy” button, Michigan Saves probably could have. Through the years, they have tried to make the process of implementing energy-efficiency improvements as easy, affordable and smart as possible for everyone involved, including their authorized contractors.

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Piggy banks carved from wood

Michigan Saves: By the Numbers

Since its inception, Michigan Saves has helped thousands of families and business owners take control of their energy costs. Below, you can explore how much business the program has done, and how much energy and money was saved as a result.

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Mary Templeton, Michigan Saves executive director

A Letter from Our Executive Director

Michigan Saves hit some great milestones in 2015. We rolled out new promotions and buydowns, we chaired the steering committee for the first-ever Governor’s Energy Excellence Awards, worked with utility and municipal partners to develop on-bill financing programs, and our loan portfolio crossed the $60 million mark—which means that over 6,000 homes, businesses, and multifamily and public sector properties were able to realize the benefits of energy-efficient upgrades.

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tan brick house on a sunny Summer day

Homeowners and Contractors Benefit from the Home Energy Loan Program

Michigan Saves’ Home Energy Lending Program (HELP) gives homeowners an easy way to increase comfort in their homes, save money on energy bills, and make Michigan a more energy-efficient state. Since 2010, HELP has enabled more than $50 million in capital available to over 5,300 families and achieved major milestones in 2015. Plans for 2016 include expanding the program through offerings like on-bill financing, better internal processes, and continuing its successful Beer & Wings incentive program for contractors.

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