Category: SmartEnergy

Collage of numbers

By the Numbers

Ever wonder how much energy and money Michigan Saves’ programs are actually saving? The 2016 numbers are in, and the results are impressive!

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Hand holding small home with green roof and plant

Michigan Saves Expands Its Residential Toolbox in 2016 to Reach More Homeowners

A toolbox. To most of us it’s just a case for toting hammers and nails — whatever tools we need to repair our homes, offices or cars. To Michigan Saves, however, it’s a term used frequently to describe the exceptional collection of initiatives, incentives and financing options the organization has put together to help homeowners make easy and affordable energy-efficiency upgrades.

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Stack of 100 dollar bills

Press Release: Michigan Saves Finances More than $80 Million in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements

Michigan Saves, a nonprofit organization that provides affordable financing to make energy improvements easier for Michigan energy consumers, has just surpassed $80 million dollars in residential and commercial loans. As a green bank, Michigan Saves stimulates and supports investment in energy-efficiency and renewable energy measures in Michigan homes, businesses and public buildings.

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Man standing in front of a sporting goods store

Mid-Michigan’s Premier Running and Fitness Store Takes a Unique Approach to Customer Service

In today’s highly competitive retail environment, where margins are small and choices are plentiful, businesses are constantly looking for ways to gain an edge. Go-to options include lowering prices, increasing service speed and enhancing product quality and selection. But what about improving customer experience by making energy-efficiency improvements? The people at Playmakers — an award-winning footwear and fitness apparel store — think that might be the factor that tips the scale.

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Rose Tantraphol

Meet the Board: Rose Tantraphol Discusses How Michigan Saves Board Members Inspire One Another

Although facts and figures tell the story of Michigan Saves’ extensive efforts to improve energy efficiency in Michigan, we couldn’t do what we do without the talented and dedicated people who help lead the organization. To that end, we’d like to introduce you — our readers — to the Michigan Saves board members. This edition of Smart Energy features Rose Tantraphol, founder and principal of Moonsail North, a startup that uses storytelling and strategy to help innovators communicate and grow.

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The Governor's Energy Excellence Awards board of directors

Governor’s Energy Excellence Awards Affirm Winners’ Commitment to Reducing Energy Waste

Well-known cultural anthropologist and author Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” These words aptly describe the work of 14 Michiganders who came together in 2015 to create the Governor’s Energy Excellence Awards (GEEA) — a program designed to recognize individuals and organizations that have made implementing energy-efficient practices part of their everyday lives.

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Row of townhomes

Michigan Saves Ramps Up Service to Multifamily and Commercial Solar Markets

What do upgrading drafty windows, improving aging HVAC systems, replacing old light fixtures, sealing air leaks and adding more insulation have in common? They’re all good ways for owners of multifamily dwellings to create a more comfortable living environment for their tenants. Those efforts can also lower energy expenditures, give residential proprietors a competitive edge and keep out pesky bugs and rodents.

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